Making your life count......

I read this morning that a 2008 Olympics gold-medal winner died today at the age of 24.  He jumped form a balcony and was either in a rage or tried to commit suicide after he was caught with another woman.....what a waste!  So much potential, so much lost.

It made me think about life and the actual living it part!  We all have a life but do we LIVE it?  Do we make it count?  Where i live, or rather  i should say "where my home is" to avoid any unintentional puns here!, it may seem that at times my life is wasted, that i could have been more "successful" in my old profession, but that's not what i mean here.  Of course you can be successful and not really live life!  You live WORK!  As a person i am not defined by what i DO, but by who i am.  I can do many things and still be nothing, still live a life worth .....nothing.  Have you noticed that if you meet someone new, they (or you) very quickly ask the question "So, what do you do?"  I suppose it is really much easier to ask than "So who are you really?"

I really like this verse in Romans - do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, then you will know God's will, his perfect and pleasing will! (loosely quoted)  God's way sometimes looks upside down from our world's perspective (but then again, we must remember we are looking up to heaven and no wonder it's upside down!!)  ;)   In any case, my "job" here on earth might look very insignificant to you, but i know i am living out God's will for me.  It's not the importance that matters, but that you are actually doing what God has placed you here on earth for!!  And that brings me back to poor Samuel, who died this week at 24.....and i guess it just reminded me that we need to make choices every day to live a life pleasing to God, that's the only way we will have a life that counts and life it too!!

bella, because You told me who i am...i am Yours!


  1. Lovely observations and inspiration. I'm enjoying following you, your ministry, and your blog. Love your photos, too!



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