No half measures.....

Have you noticed that in Africa nothing comes in half measures?? It's either too much or too little! If there is dust there is dust everywhere! If it rains, it rains cats and dogs - never a nice drizzle! There is no middle ground!

Here i am trying to be a good parent and teaching my boys restraint in eating their favourite cereals (which we only get here at hilarious prices or either have to import form the good ol' passport country) and what do i get for it?? A huge maggot and moth infestation!! So now, no more restraint - eat it all boys and as quickly as you can before the bugs beat you to it! At least we will have good memories!!

Yip, even the bugs do not come in half measures.....


  1. Yea, I am one of those 'use a little and make it last' people!!! But my husband and daughter is NOT, and I've had to work really hard on accepting that and knowing that it is OK if they use things up quicker than I would have liked. Knowing that God is my Provider and that it is not the end of the world for them to enjoy the new shower gel and use loads... Not quite the same scenario as yours, but the same principal of 'letting go'... Isn't it?

  2. yes, right you are!! letting go......


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