New friends - important ones!

There is a new circle of friends that i am desperate to be part of!  I think of them daily, trying my best to find ways into this circle.....

Feelings of insecurity fill my being – am i good enough, will i be able to be part of them?  Will i make it into the inner circle? 
When i’m alone, i feel guilty that i’m not spending all my time with them.  I even neglect my chores!  Who wants to be washing dishes if you can be in the company of these friends? And friends are so scarce here!!

If we get together with others from here, all they talk about are how they finally understand CM or how interesting AM is!  Wow!  I want that too!

And what about Ju and A?  They are mostly mind-boggling too me!  To know them would actually open words, i mean worlds!  Lu-Si will you accept me?  And what about you Ci-Yi? 

Are you curious about these new friends?  Do you think i’m a teenager again, trying to be “In”  :)

My new friends are the ChY language and all her mates!  CM – Class Maker, Adjective marker, the Noun classes – Ju-A, Lu-Si and all the others!  Man, i need to spend every waking moment, thinking about them!  How do i improve my “friendship” with them? I daily think up new schemes and it weighs heavily on my mind as i do the 100 other normal things that keep me busy, keep me away from “them”!

And so, dear Ju-A, Lu-Si, Wu-Ji, i really do need to get to know you better!  Share your secrets with me?  I’ll try my best to be a faithful friend!

bella, hopeful about this language!


  1. Clever post! Bless you as you tackle the ChY language. I admire you.



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