my unpreachable sermonette.....

you know, i sometimes have this sinking feeling in me whenever we need to visit the home churches.....this is one of them, sinking feeling, i mean!

Soon we need to give some feedback in a couple of churches and i wonder what is appropriate and what not? Last night an old man died in his tiny hut after a stroke......he died without EVER having the chance to make a choice of following the One True God. For him there is no warm fuzzy feeling this morning, there is no heaven, only hell.....

that brings me back to the church in the home country, could be anywhere, do i make them feel nice and fuzzy? or do i give it to them straight? Do i let them squirm in their seats to not be able to sit still a minute longer, to run out and find someone to share the Gospel with?? Oh, i wish! send a check, to hear the missionary is coping and even "enjoying" it over there, looking at some nice funny pictures........much easier than reaching the co-worker, talking to someone who rolls out a prayermat in the tea room a few times a day.

sorry, funerals does this to hits home hard!

i think deep down many believe that God is so gracious that he will actually take into account that this man did not have anybody to tell him the truth and accept him into the gates of heaven......another convenient lie form the father of deception, to keep the church pews warm and fuzzy.....just read Ezekiel 3:18-19 if you don't believe me!

And so i guess, my heart is just so broken this morning and i wonder if we will ever reach the many people who still don't know, but i pray and i have HOPE!


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