A tempting thought

A temptation I sometimes have is to look at the life of a lukewarm believer and think “What an easy life!”  True, on Judgment Day they might be saved by the seat of their pants….

It is at these times that I ask myself if this is all worth it!  The more we pray, set ourselves apart, surrender all, the worse the day seems to get!  More heartache, more funerals, more sick people – even my own children fell sick after we decided to all pray and fast (as in simple meals) for a time!  It is then that you seem to see all the empty comments on facebook, see all the things people busy themselves with or receive all these very empty forwards in your inbox of so-called believers…..adding insult to injury!  And you wonder, yes, you wonder, how easy life looks when you have enough money to spend on what you wish, when you can do what you please when you feel like it!  With the emphasis on the YOU, of course!  Tempting this easier life…..

Just before you judge me too harshly, remember this is an age old problem!  Just read a few Psalms!  But, it is obviously not right to rationalize all these feelings, it is the place to think about it and see the truth and be set on the right path again!  It is definitely not the right question either – the question being “Is IT worth it all?”  When asking it this way I, me and myself is at the center….No, the right question to ask and consider is, “Is HE worth it?”  And that changes everything! Jesus said to count the cost!  And so I have to think hard again…….. but always come to the same conclusion - Jesus IS worth it!  Jesus is the only One who is!  So yes, I keep calm and carry on – believing firmly that He knows my comings, my goings, my thoughts, my hurts, hopes and dreams!  And He wants all of me.  

And so, I give myself afresh to You Lord.  You are worthy!  You are actually the only one who is!! 
And on those days when trouble rises with the sun, I will remember the words of Hezekiah –
“Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria and the vast army with him, for there is a greater Power with us than with him.  With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles.  And the people gained confidence from what Hezekiah the king of Judah said.”

Bella. I love you Jesus!


  1. In computer programming there is a term GIGO that translates to Garbage in = Garbage out.

    But like you say in the walk with Christ it seems to be the opposite. Sincerity, honesty and commitment seems to result in pain, suffering, persecution etc.

    I don't understand it. I don't like it. I don't want it.

    But do want to be able to say: "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ."



  2. and Jesus was truthful, honest and people did not like it....and He didn't have The Easy life! So, yes, i will follow Him!


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