Of wings and feathers


Last week was an interesting one. I was feeling decidedly low. I was thinking in a humorous, albeit a bit dark way, that my life was filled with disasters interspersed with catastrophes. Haha. A few examples to make my point....

The house nearly burnt down - faulty wiring 😳 but i picked up a feather as i was going down to the front  door...The car needed a new waterpump and the cam belt was 20 000 kms overdue and again i picked up a feather. A pot of money could not have been so precious as those feathers. Actually those feathers were worth even more....

I have this thing for feathers. I always pick them up and tuck them in a safe place until i get home where i add them to my growing stash. They are my reminders. Reminders of God’s care.

After a particularly tough time in my life i felt the Lord nudge me to read the book of Ruth. I might have written about it before, but i was reminded again today of just how it impacted my life, this seemingly only-a-love-story. The first time i read through it i wondered if God was telling me something as a widow...maybe that life is full of second chances? I mean, it is a book about two widows, and with a happy ending too! Naomi got a grandson, Ruth got a new husband, and of course Jesus blood line can be traced back to this remarkable story...was that it? But no, my specific lesson was about the Wings.

Boaz meets Ruth while she was gleaning in his field and he compliments her on how she looked after Naomi and then he adds, “May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.”  In the next chapter Ruth asks Boaz to spread his garment over her as he is the guardian redeemer of their family. And the word for garment is the same Hebrew word used in chapter two - wings. Under the Wings. And that is my thing with feathers. I too have come to take refuge under His wings. And God sends me feathers to remind me that i am under Those Eternal Wings. Under His protection and His care. He is my guardian-redeemer. I am safe.

I forget so quickly. Especially when the catastrophes strike. Or just the Sunday blues. And as i walk back to my car on this blueish Sunday, there in the grass lies a tiny feather and i am reminded again. Chin up, remember under Whose wings i have come to take refuge.



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