Trolley content....

Standing in line yesterday, admittedly me too buying a few last items 😳, i was peeping into the overfull and the not-so-full trolleys in front and to the side of me. The one in front of me was loaded with lots, and i mean lots of ramen noodles, tins of food and surprisingly a dartboard on top! (This could be potentially dangerous after a lockdown of 21 days!)
But, back to the trolleys...Others had colouring books, breakfast cereals (by the 2 kilo bag), baby diapers, boardgames, etc. The cigarette counter was really busy too...and i did wonder if that would be seen as “essential” in this time of staying inside. Well, if you ever thought of giving up smoking, now would probably not be the best time, except when forced too by not being able to buy any😳

Anyway, it made me think of what a trolley could say of the person. Smaller carts, for instance, could say either “I already have a cupboard stocked up and thought about a last few things.” Or ”I think it is not too serious and i will get food next week when these run out.”  or even on a sadder but more realistic note “I can only buy so much in any case.” Fuller trolleys could show fear and anxiety, Or just plain good preparation in times of trouble. Nonetheless, we all act on our beliefs.

Trolley content of games and books and crafts also showed me either hope or dread...hoping to connect to the people i will be locked up for 21 days - looking forward to having fun together, doing things together and connecting again. I say again, because why buy games now if they didn’t already play them together? But there is definitely a sign of Hope there. Anyway, then their might be dreading will we keep these kids busy, or how will i cope with this man or woman who is more of a stranger to me than i would like to acknowledge....?

This virus has in a way united us too. A true Common Enemy. Standing in line I was listening to the shoppers talking. Precautions, opinions, fears and worry were all out there. How will we cope? Will this or that work? What is allowed? Can you get it by...? Do you know of cases here?
And like in any crisis, kindness and selfishness stood there out in the open too. Giving something extra for the car guard who must go into isolation too or grabbing the last item on the shelf, you know those people who you would be more likely to be sharing a deserted island with...😊

My ramblings today, i guess is just about humans and how we react or not react. How some can still be hopeful and some will always dread and fear. We do have a choice though. As a believer I have this Hope inside me. I am not immune and could die of this dreadful virus, but my Hope is on things not seen. I know without a doubt that my Redeemer lives and this earth is only temporary. And that changes everything. Fears ares stilled, Hope comes alive - not only for one day in Heaven, but for this day, for this crisis. This Hope changes how i live my life here on earth. It changes fear into Faith in a God who is right beside me. May we all come closer to this Glorious God.



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