Pouring out my heart...
“...pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge.”
The pouring out of a heart usually implies pain, hurt, suffering, anguish and so on. Not a happy heart. Believe me, i have done lots of pouring out from this broken heart.
But somehow i did not get to the last bit in verse. Of course i know it in my head. But i mainly poured out my heart just to offload. Get it all out like a festering boil that feels better when the pus comes out....
Pour out your hearts to Him for God is our Refuge. Our Refuge.
When i read this verse i saw a picture of a little girl sitting on her father’s lap telling him everything in a Anne of Green Gables kind of random fast talking way. Words of Hurts, Unfairness, Hopelessness, all Spilling out. And then, the best part is that the father wraps his arms around the little girl, holds her tight and say “I know, I know. It is all right. I am here.”
Our refuge. My refuge. My safe place. My heart was empty but filled again. Hope filters in as i pour out. Healing comes as i spill my hurts. Fears turn to rest in His Everlasting Arms. And i breathe again.
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