Life in a small village......

We were watching Tangled with our kids the other night…..a new version of Rapunzel and quite cute (although the boys didn’t appreciate the falling in love part!)  In any case, here she was, locked up in her tower trying to stay busy…..

And I guess that scene kind of left an impression on me, about me…..not that I am a beautiful princess, but that I have the same problem of keeping myself busy here where there are no real friends or shops or other things to keep me entertained or busy – it’s up to I, me and myself!  Especially over the “wonderful” and often very long weeks before a break is in sight!

A typical weekday…….i wash the dishes, I wash the clothes,  I start school, I watch the clock, I bake the bread, I make lunch, I watch the clock, I rest (??), I stuff my head with language, I help the sick, I watch the clock, I make supper and tomorrow is another Big day!  Repeat 5 times and complete it with….
A typical Saturday………I bake cookies, I wash the dishes, I pack them away, I wash the clothes, I paint a bit, I watch the clock, I bake a bread, I read a little, I watch the clock, i look for new emails or facebook or blog comments (none), I watch the clock, I read, I paint, I stare……  :)  All I need is a tower and long hair to complete the picture!  :)

Sigh!  I think i was probably “born under a wandering star”!  (Taken from the movie, Paint your wagon)  How do I keep myself sane where routine and boredom (yes, even if you think my life in the African bush can only be exciting!) are slowly killing me? 

Well, I guess, in theory I remind myself daily (oh, man this word is killing me!) that God placed me here.  Secondly, I try to believe with all my heart, that even if my tasks seem very mundane to me, there MUST be eternal value in them!  Thirdly, I try to see with God’s eyes (very difficult, I know) what God has given me to do for Him here on earth and then it try to do them as unto Him (also quite a task at times!)  Fourthly, I break my routine with very funny things – I hang the washing from left to right and then form right to left!  I cook spaghetti in the place of a sandwich lunch, I go to town (wheeee, very exciting!), and I visit the lake and drink in the beauty!  I dance with my arms before falling asleep…..I write to a friend to pray for me!!!!! 

I realize that my challenges are quite unique, but If you have any insights – please share them with me!  How, I do not know, but I need to think of new ways to break the monotomy…….

Bella, all I need is a tower…..


  1. It's true that life can be boring, monotonous and tedious...but it all depends on how you look at it. The attitude you choose and your focus makes a huge difference. God has you making life easier for others at the moment. Put on some uplifting praise music to wash dishes or clean by. Make a joyful noise to the Creator while doing laundry and watch the eagles soar! (As a suggestion for activities: play games with your kids, plan a skit night acting out Bible stories, organize your library, invite someone over to work with you, do the same for her, practice their language, make it fun!)


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