A Spring in my step

This time of the year is indeed very bleak!  In other parts it is Spring - flowers and blooms everywhere, the sweet smell of rain, soft green grass.  Other parts have the beautiful autumn trees - yellows, reds, golds.....but here we have burnt down fields.  Black is the colour of the day!  Dust, and more dust! A dry and cracked earth.  Definitely not beautiful or inspiring!

We were on our way to town yesterday and suddenldy i saw a tree blooming with beautiful white blossoms!  Then another with purple flowers!  Granted - very lonesome trees, but nonetheless trees with flowers!!  And then in the grass beside the road...... more purple little bell-like blooms, tiny pink ones, tiny but beautiful....

And is this not how life goes?  We look out for the big things, but miss the little ones?  The big ugly picture overwhelmes, but in the small we are not comforted?  God is at work!  He is not in the thunder, or the whirlwind or the storm, but He is in the whisper.  He is there, He is.  Open my eyes to see You in this seemingy God-forsaken place!  And thank You for the small purple flowers along my way.



  1. Oh, Bella, your words and message are beautiful. Yes, God is often in the whisper. I praise Him and thank Him for showing you those lovely, encouraging flowers!


  2. Yes we often overlook the small and it is in God's small details (of care) that I am comforted. Just as you say. I'm intrigued by your photo. It doesn't look like Africa to me.


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