Invisible jars in plain sight

We do our own housework and so the boys all get a turn each day to do the dishes.  But the funny thing is all three of them are kind of blind when it comes to certain things to wash.  For example they have no problems with knives, forks, plates or cups.  Even pans and pots are done, but empty bottles of tomato sauce or empty mayonnaise jars are all invisible to them.  I see them, but not the boys.  Invisible jars in plain sight.

It made me wonder if i might have some sins in my life that i just do not see or even worse, choose not to see?  Probably!!  And as i stand at the zink and wash the empty jars and bottles i think upon these things.  What has God showed me lately?  What am i ignoring, becasue it just might get uncomfortable if i start to acknowledge these things?  Do i listen when someone shares something i do or don't do, or do i choose to say - later, maybe or someone else will do it, or it's not my problem, you deal with it?

How many times do i choose to continue on, even if i know i need to deal with something?  I guess that will always be the struggle here on earth, but the point is that it should be a struggle and not a shrug-of-the-shoulders-kind-of-life! 

Another complication is if you leave the empty jars and bottles for some time they also tend to start giving off a bad smell.  Now it is not only the fact that the bottle is not seen and cleaned, but now it is spreading it's nasty smell through the house.....through life.

And so when i see those "invisble" things that were left after the washing up was done it reminds me to get down to business and ask God to help me with those sins i either refuse to deal with or those i don't want to see or cannot see and then let Him cleanse me and fill me with nice fresh water - all sparkling clean!

Bella, the back-up washer women


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