On Being Brave

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.” You might wonder what this verse has to do with a cheesecake picture? Read on...

I love Hero movies. Something like San Andreas. Avengers. RED - haha. Against all odd this guy swoops in and manages to rescue his whole family - even though the whole city is turned upside down with a massive earthquake. Or the hero escapes a whole SWAT team without a scratch or breaking into a sweat! And even closer to my heart stories of Faith in God - David and Goliath! Ruth. Ester. I always wish I could be that kind of hero. That kind of brave.

When I was little i always carried random stuff in my pockets just in case it could save someone’s life. I remember carefully packing the first aid kit when we went off on a holiday. Ready to be of help. Not like the movie kind of hero either...more like the silent-behind-the-scenes-nobody hero. It is no wonder I ended up in a medical profession - and loving it.

But still, I am no hero. Nor out of the ordinary courageous. And over the years my dreams of rescuing has taken on shape in a very different direction. And much more realistic too, I guess. 😉

In losing your spouse after (Only) 28 years, being brave looks very different. The big stuff you take on by the wicked sharp horns. And that’s usually fine - painful yes, but because you expect them to be hard you cope. I cling to God in the Big Things.

And here are those words again... “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous?” To Me? What? And then God slowly opens my eyes..

And I begin to see a different strong and a different brave from the stone throwing young teen, or the strong and beautiful queen. I begin to see brave in getting out of bed with a jump. In getting everyone out of the house for something fun. Being courageous in trying to establish new traditions even though we wobble through the new tradition and the cart nearly falls over. We press on in the small.

I am just as brave in trying the fourth new cheesecake recipe than I would have been in saving someone’s life. Because the secret is in the “doing of the next thing” (Elizabeth Elliot) If it is CPR then do that. If it is taking that walk by the sea or planting that rose or starting a new tradition, then go for it.

“Little by little one travels far” as JRR Tolkien said. And it’s true. God gives me that strength to continue on my journey - baby steps yes, but moving forward nonetheless. And even if i now
measure my well-being by baking cheesecakes, well, then so be it. And why is that, how can one continue after so much trauma? How can one find Joy again? The answer is found in the same verse..

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”  Joshua 1:9 The only Living God is with me. How can I not be brave, have courage and find joy again?

Bella, thankful for Emmanuel - God with us!


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