Time, seasons and going on forevers......

Time entrapment, that is life here and now. And sometimes it feels as if This will never pass. Whatever the This is, it feels forever. And a day.

If i look out my window, i see dull dead grass browning and withering away in the deadly African sun. I see mostly blackened fields burnt down by runaway fires. I see dust and dead leaves, even if it is supposed to be "Spring". You cannot seriously call it Spring here....more a death grip of inbetween times before the rains come! Dust and dry red soil, powdery when you walk in; causing little dust clouds around your feet, turning them red. Every year it feels like it will never rain again. It seems like we will be stuck in this dry and hot time capsule until the end of time.

This "This" can be a number of things - each of us may have any number at one time. From serious diseases, to broken legs, to foot fungi to being a mom with toddlers, to doing mundane tasks from day to day and everything in between. It feels like things will never change, never let go, never let up.

I am working my way through Isaiah - slowly but surely. A lot of pride, idols, not following God, death and destruction are recorded in those pages. Interestingly enough it all has an undeniable time stamp on it. Things will not go on indefinitely. Kings will die, nations will dissapear. Earth as we know it will pass. Times will change. Only God is above time, timeless and wonderfully so!

Toddlers will grow up and out of our hands, people will get better or not, flowers will grow and rain will fall, wind will blow and dust will settle or blow in my face. Nothing is forever on earth even if it feels like it. Nothing. Even the good stuff.

I look out my window and i see dryness and dust, but the closer i look the more i see. I see trees with green and new leaves - no hint of rain in the air but they show Hope that it is coming....albeit in a couple of months, it Will Come! Things will change. Hope is green new leaves defying all the dust and dead grass around. Trees that Know without a doubt that this season too will pass.

And in my own life i think and drink deeply on this sight. This too shall pass. I lean back against my Father and look again. I see times that drag on and on but come to an end, i see Hope that there too He will be. Nothing is forever only Him and in that i rest.

Bella, timetrapped but free.


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