Talking...or not!

Most of the moms here are very young and most only speak Y, so my instructions are limited and cryptic at times.  But today I had my chance!  A young mother, who has now come 3 times for the same problem spoke Portuguese!  I asked her if the child took the medicine I gave and she said….no.  This child, only one year old, refused and the mom just let it pass.  I rarely show any emotion as the people come here for help.   

They don’t show emotion, so i try not too either.  If they have a thorn a mile thick in their feet, they just sit there while I try and coax it out, without even a whimper.
But not today!  I was really cross!  How could she just let the little one get away with this refusing-my-medicine-business and let the child slowly fade away?  I showed my crossness, but only for a moment and then went into the house to get something else that the little one might take in.  I mean a week’s diarrhea is nothing to take lightly!!  So I walked away taking deep breaths and thinking of what to say when I came back….

Since she rejected my previous attempts of foodstuffs and meds i decided on a new tactic - I found some small packets of chips in my cupboard and thought, that at least she will eat this yummy stuff (salt!), also some sugar to mix in with some maize and as she was still feeding she should be ok…..As I came out, I had my speech ready and, in the national language! I really could go for it!  So off I went…..seriously lecturing her but a few words into my speech I took a breath and then she swa her gap and said…Ok. bye.  Just like that!  And off she went, happy to be free of the wild crazy talking white women!  I was speechless.  So I shut my open mouth and attended to the next sick person in silence…

Bella, to talk or not to talk?  And does anyone listen?


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